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Source language
Engels die another day
die another day

Vertalings gedaan
Hebreeus למות ביום אחר
Source language
Engels I love Monica
This text is for my girlfriend.

Hello Monica, you are my love.

I miss you and I am looking forward seeing you again.

I want to come in Israel as soon as possible.
I hope that the translation will be correct.

I love you.


Vertalings gedaan
Hebreeus אני אוהב את מוניקה
Source language
Duits Wenn Nichts Mehr Geht
Keiner mehr da der mich wirklich kennt
Meine welt bricht grad´ zusammen
Und es läuft´n happy end
Um dich weinen soll ich nicht
Ich weiß unsterblich sind wir nicht
Aber du hast mal gesagt

Wenn nichts mehr geht
Werd´ ich ein engel sein - für dich allein
Und dir in jeder dunklen nacht erschein´
Und dann fliegen wir weit weg von hier
Wir werden uns nie mehr verlier´n

Bis du mir das erste mal erscheinst
Stell´ ich mir vor dass du von oben
Mit den Wolken für mich weinst
Ich wart unendlich lang auf dich
Doch so unendlich ist es nicht
Denn du hast mal gesagt

Denk nur an mich und du siehst
den engel der neben dir fliegt
Denk nur an mich und du siehst
den Engel der neben dir fliegt
אנגלית - בריטית בלבד .
עברית - בלשון נקבה .

תודה מראש :)

Vertalings gedaan
Engels When nothing more works
Hebreeus כאשר שום דבר אחר כבר לא עובד
Source language
Portugees Olho a Vida
Olho a Vida nos olhos e, sem falar, sussurro ao meu Caos a Tal pergunta: como é possivel Ser Eu?
Tatuagem dedicada ao meu filho
Peço a tradução possivel e mais aproximada para LATIM, HEBRAICO E ARABE desta frase que irei tatuar junto com uma foto minha e do meu filho, recem nascido, em que estamos a olhar fixamente um para o outro. "olho a Vida (o meu filho, a minha razão de ser, a crinaça como simbolo de vida) nos olhos, sussurro ao meu caos (pergunto-me a mim mesmo, em silencio, a mim que me considero um turbilhão e até aqui sem direcção, sem sentido) a tal pergunta (a duvida, a questão que me assola e que todos os dias me faço): como é possivel ser eu? (mistério da vida, da continuidade, de como algo caótico, até errante e algo negativo, vazio, dá origem a um ser tão lindo, tão perfeito, tão carregado de energia positiva)

A escolha multilingue que quero tatuar tenciona espiritualizar tranversalmente por todas as religiões o sentimento comum que um filho é o primeiro passo na nossa evolução terrestre, assim lhe seja permitido.

Vertalings gedaan
Sjinees 我注視生命,一言不發,思緒混亂,自問:我是何物?
Japannees 人生を眺めて。。。
Engels I look into the eyes of life
Arabies أنظر للحياه في عينيها
Hebreeus אני מסתכל אל החיים בעיניים
10Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".10
Engels I already wanted to stop time
I already wanted to stop time
It is a phrase with a meaning very important to me and the language of my descendants, so I wanted the translation to make a tattoo.

Wanted - synonyms: aim, wishes, desires.

Time - synonyms: time, period.

Thank you.

Vertalings gedaan
Hebreeus אני כבר ייחלתי לעצירתו של הזמן
Arabies أنا فعلا أردت إيقاف الوقت
Source language
Engels Georgina is a tomboy, demanding that people call...
Georgina is a tomboy, demanding that people call her George. By cutting her hair very short and dressing like a boy, she is often mistaken for one, something which pleases her enormously. She is headstrong by nature and, like her father, Quentin, has a fiery temper.

Vertalings gedaan
Hebreeus ג'ורג'ינה
Source language
Engels The secret of hapiness is freedom the secret of...
The secret of happiness is freedom the secret of freedom is courage
This is going to be a tattoo so, if you can, please write it vertically!

Vertalings gedaan
Hebreeus סוד האושר
Source language
Engels photographs from arab world
NAZAR is an exhibit of 17 Arab photographers and 15 photographers from Europe, the U.S., Australia, Iran, and Israel about Arab cultures in the Middle East and northern Africa. The show presents 250 photographic works, most of which have never been seen before in the United States.

Vertalings gedaan
Hebreeus צלמים מהעולם הערבי
Source language
Engels waiting time
Average waiting time : DDD day(s)
The average time you have to wait before a translation is done. DDD must be kept unchanged, it will be replaced by the number of days.

Vertalings gedaan
Hongaars Általában ennyit kell várni: DDD nap
Arabies زمن الانتظار
Turks bekleme süresi
Kroasies Prosječno vrijeme
Spaans Tiempo de espera
Romeens timp de aÅŸteptare
Grieks Μέσος καιρός αναμονής
Brasiliaanse Portugees Tempo de espera
Bulgaars Време за чакане
Japannees 待ち時間
Nederlands wachttijd
Pools czas oczekiwania
Esperanto Meza tempo de atendado: DDD tago(j)
Fins odotusaika
Deens ventetid
Duits Wartezeit
Sweeds Genomsnittlig väntetid: DDD dag(ar)
Italiaans Tempo stimato di attesa
Sjinees vereenvoudig 等待时间
Sjinees 等待時間
Koreaans 대기시간
Portugees tempo de espera
Katalaans Temps d'espera
Litaus Laukimo laikas
Noors Vente Tid
Oekraïenies Середній час очікування: DDD днів
Serwies vreme čekanja
Bosnies vrijeme cekanja
Russies Время ожидания
Tsjeggies čekací doba
Fœroese bíðitíð
Estnies Ooteaeg
Letties Vidējais gaidīšanas laiks: DDD diena(s).
Hebreeus זמן המתנה
Albanies koha e pritjes
Bretons Amzer-c'hortoz.
Klingon loSmeH poH
Farsie-Persies زمان متوسط انتظار: DDD روز
Indonesies Rata-rata waktu tunggu : DDD hari
Tagalogies panahon ng paghintay
Yslands Biðtími
Koerdies maweya bendemanê
Fries Trochsneed wachttiid
Hindi औसत प्रतीक्षा काल
Afrikaans wagtyd
Iers An gnáth am atá le feitheamh DDD lá
Georgies მოცემული დრო
Thai ระยะเวลาที่ต้องรอ
Masedonies време на чекање
10Source language10
Engels We-need-experts!
We need experts!
Try to keep it short, it's a title that will be also used in a menu. Free translation. The page will be about the languages where there are not enough experts.

Vertalings gedaan
Arabies نحتاج خبراءا!
Hongaars Szükségünk van szakértőkre!
Kroasies Trebamo stručnjake!
Spaans necesitamos expertos
Romeens Căutăm experţi!
Turks Uzmanlara ihtiyacımız var.
Grieks Χρειαζόμαστε ειδικούς!
Bulgaars Нуждаем се от експерти!
Brasiliaanse Portugees Precisamos-de-especialistas!
Sweeds Vi behöver experter!
Japannees エキスパート求む!
Nederlands We hebben experts nodig!
Fins Tarvitsemme asiantuntijoita!
Esperanto Ni-bezonas-spertulojn!
Katalaans necessitem experts
Deens Vi-har-brug-for-eksperter!
Italiaans Cerchiamo-esperti
Duits Wir brauchen Experten!
Sjinees vereenvoudig 我们—需要—专家!
Sjinees 我們—需要—專家!
Slowaaks Potrebujeme expertov!
Bretons Efer hon eus deus tud a vicher !
Koreaans 숙련자가 필요합니다!
Tsjeggies Potřebujeme odborníky
Portugees Necessitamos de especialistas !
Litaus Mums reikia ekspertų!
Pools potrzebujemy ekspertów
Noors Vi trenger eksperter!
Oekraïenies Нам потрібні експерти!
Serwies Potrebni su nam stručnjaci!
Russies Нам нужны эксперты!
Bosnies Potrebni su nam strucnjaci!
Fœroese Okkum-tørvar-serfrøðingum!
Estnies me-vajame-eksperte!
Letties Vajadzīgs eksperts!
Hebreeus אנו זקוקים למומחים!
Albanies kerkojmë ekspertë!
Frans Besoin-experts
Klingon pIn DIpoQ!
Farsie-Persies ما به متخصص نیاز داریم!
Indonesies Orang-orang ahli perlu!
Tagalogies Kailangan namin ng mga eksperto!
Yslands Okkur vantar sérfræðinga
Georgies გვესაჭიროება ექსპერტები!
Koerdies Pêwistiya me bi kesên pispor heye!
Fries Wy binne experts nedich!
Hindi हमें विशेषज्ञ चाहिये
Afrikaans Ons-benodig-deskundiges!
Iers Tá saineolaithe at teastáil uainn!
Masedonies Ни требаат експерти !
Thai เราต้องการผู้เชี่ยวชาญ!
Azerbeidjans Başbilənlərə-ehtiyacımız-var!
Sloweens Potrebujemo strokovnjake!
Viëtnamees chúng tôi-cần-những chuyên gia
Source language
Engels Your opinion
An expert has asked for your opinion on this translation, in order to decide whether or not to validate it.

Vertalings gedaan
Arabies رأيك
Hongaars Egy szakértő a véleményed kéri erről a fordításról
Kroasies Vaše mišljenje
Spaans Tu opinión
Grieks Ένας ειδικός έχει ζητήσει
Bulgaars Вашето мнение
Sweeds Din åsikt
Nederlands Uw advies
Fins sinun mielipiteesi
Esperanto Via opinio
Turks Bir uzman bu çeviriyi onaylayıp onaylamamaya karar
Deens Din mening
Duits Ihre Meinung
Romeens Părerea dumneavoastră
Italiaans La tua opinione
Sjinees vereenvoudig 你的意见
Sjinees 你的意見
Brasiliaanse Portugees Sua opinião
Slowaaks Expert vyžiadal tvoj názor na tento preklad,
Tsjeggies Váš názor
Portugees A sua opinião
Koreaans 당신의 의견
Japannees あなたの意見
Katalaans La teva opinió
Litaus Tavo nuomonÄ—
Pools Twoja opinia
Noors Din mening
Oekraïenies Ваша думка
Frans Votre opinion.
Serwies Vаšе мišljеnjе
Russies Ваше мнение
Bosnies Vaše mišljenje
Fœroese Tín meining
Estnies Sinu arvamus
Fries ehr meenung
Letties JÅ«su viedoklis
Bretons Da soñj
Hebreeus חוות דעתך
Klingon vuDlIj
Yslands Þín skoðun
Farsie-Persies رای تو
Albanies Mendimi juaj
Indonesies Pendapat anda
Georgies თქვენი შეფასება
Masedonies Вашето мислење
Afrikaans U Opinie
Iers D'iarr saineolaí do thuairim ar an aistriúchán
Hindi किसी विद्वान ने इस अनुवाद
Maleis Pendapat anda
Thai ความเห็นของคุณ
Oerdoe آپ کی رائے
Viëtnamees Ý kiến của bạn
Azerbeidjans sənin fikrin
Tagalogies Inyong opinyon
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